Mehadrin Summer 2021 Campaign

Meet Northside Coffee – a premium drink dispenser company that serves customers at gas stations and takeout cafes.
Mission: Create, design, and develop the brand’s message and character.
While most drink dispenser companies will only offer one type of drink, Northside offers a wide variety including fresh coffee, fruit slush, Iced Cappucino, Hot Cappucino, and lots of flavored coffees. To that end, we worked on creating a brand that can encompass all the specifics, while still maintaining an integrated brand identity. We incorporated a splash within the logo to communicate a juicy and refreshing feel whether your drink of choice is a coffee or a fruit slush slush. We contrasted the brown with the lime green for a fresh and invigorating vibe.
Meet Na’aseh – a cutting-edge Montessori afterschool program for children.
Mission: Create, design, and develop the brand’s message and character.
The Na’aseh brand was designed and executed in a way that will target children of all ages. The style and colors will designed to not only appeal to the kids but the parents of elementary school children. The free and friendly shapes add a modern and cutting-edge feel, give the program a trustworthy and professional vibe, and effectively portray the brand as a pioneering leader.